If you have some little ones this may benefit you. This list has a lot of awesome companies that give away good free samples and items. It is worth checking the list. Some of these offers are for multiples.There should be some offers in this list for those who don't have multiples. Most of these are call-ins. Sorry if there are repeats. If any of the numbers no longer work please let us know so I can remove them off the list. Enjoy!
*Free New Mothers Kit From Pfizer Call 1-800-223-0182-Say you are interested in the New Mother's Kit and also let them know if you are having twins or triplets. They will ask how you heard of this offer, tell them a friend told you. You get Desitin, Pediacare, Purell, and other Pfizer products.
*Evenflo 1-800-233-Baby free gift pack for Multiples-full of bottles, nipples and toys
*Window Covering Safety Council free childproofing kit for window blinds, Call 1-800-506-4636
*Avent 1-800-54-AVENT free info and sample (wonderful samples for breastfeeding mother)
*Baby Mil or Baby soy 1-800-344-1358 - Free samples and coupons
*Balmex 1-866-844-2798 press 0 - free sample/coupons
*Carnation Good Start 1-800-242-5200 free club with checks free and dollars off formula if you have twins or more they will send you even more coupons for free formula.
*Del Monte 1-800-USA- BABY (coupons/samples)
*Earths Best 1-800-434-4246 press #1 for free coupons
*Free Evenflo Product Coupons, Booklets and Information, Call 1-800-356-2229
*First Years 1-800-533-6708 free toys for Multiples
*Gerber 1-800-443-7237 free coupons - be sure you tell them if you are having multiples
*Huggies 1-800-544-1847 samples and coupons (make sure you tell them if you are having twins/triplets)
*Johnson and Johnson 1-800-526-3967 coupons, and for multiples coupons for free items.
*Luvs 1-800-699-7916 coupons for Multiples
*Pedia Care 1-800-717-2824 $23.00 in cents off coupons and coupons for free items new mothers pack (some of their products are Desitin, Listerine, Pedia Care, Purell) Great pack
*Similac 1-800-Baby-Line Welcome addition club checks for formula and info
*Twins magazine 1-888-558-9467 they will send you a back issue to see if you like it.
*Nestle Infant Nutrition 1-800-222-0453
www.verybestbaby.com They send coupons for 5 cans of carnation good start formula
*Playtex Products 1800-222-0453 Twins-bottle kit, liners and pacifiers. Triplets-2 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers. Quads-3 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers
*Evenflo Products Multiple Birth Program 1000 Evenflo Drive Canton, GA 30114 1-800-356-2229 Twins-starter kit, disposable liners and coupons. Triplets-starter kits, liners, coupons and bibs Quads-starter kits, liners, coupons and bibs
*Scott Paper Co. - Call 1-800-TEL-SCOT to receive free Baby Fresh Wipesfor multiples.
*Playtex Products 1800-222-0453 Twins-bottle kit, liners and pacifiers. Triplets-2 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers. Quads-3 bottle kits, liners and pacifiers
*Johnson & Johnson 1-800-526-3967 Twins-gift packet. Triplets-gift packet. Quads-gift packet
*Mead & Johnson 1-800-222-9123
www.enfamil.com You can receive a one time shipment of complimentary formula; one case for each baby.
*Proctor & Gamble Company Pampers Multiple Birth Program 1-800-543-0480 Preemie Pampers can be purchased by the case by calling 1-800-543-4932.
*Beechnut Food Corp 800-beechnut
www.beechnut.com Twins-promotional packet and 2x the coupons. Triplets-promotional packet and 3x the coupons. Quads-promotional packet and 4x the coupons.
*Bristol-Myers Multiple Birth Program 1800-422-2902 ask for coupons and samples.
*H.J. HeinzConsumer Services 1-800-872-2229 Send coupons for baby products
*Modial Industries 216-626-4490 Different gifts, some people get diaper genies
*Carnation 800-242-5200 Carnation does not have a multiple program, but you can call every week or so and get coupons. They do have an Special Delivery Club for expectant mothers:1-800-547-9400, Carnation sends booklets on pregnancy, nutrition, formula coupons, samples, order forms for upcoming programs and other pamphlets.
*Midas 800-621-0144 Midas dealers offer discounts on car sets. You can return the seats to Midas and get credit for services at any Midas shop.
*Ross Laboratories (Similac)1-800-222-9546 Welcome Addition Club - Call to join the club and receive coupons. Talk to your peditrition for local rep. Will usually give a case of formula per baby.
*Scott Paper Co.1-800-TEL-SCOTTwins-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye BabyTriplets-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye BabyQuads-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye Baby
*Ansa Bottle Co., 1-800-527-1096 Triplets or more only
*Little Me, 1-800-533-5437/1-301-729-4488 Triplets or more only;
*Mother's Little Miracle, 1-310-544-7125 Triplets or more only;
*One Step Ahead Catalog, 1-800-274-8440
*COUPON for a FREE any size Baby Magic Product 1-800-228-7408
verified call in baby freebies
Free Samples for Babies and Kids